Dear All,
s Let me remind you how to format the references to the resources you have used in your works correctly. The thing is that it's not enough to provide the link to the article(s) you have referred to in your work. You need to add the following information:
Saturday, December 21, 2019
Tuesday, December 10, 2019
N-gram viewer
I'd like to share with you an interesting tool N-gram viewer that shows the frequency of words use over a period of its existence]
I'll add more information about this tool and how you can use if you like it:
here is a short video that explains how it works:
Here is a link to a course on Text Analysis (, which has a section about N-gram viewer. You can look through it when you have time and share with us in the thread smth interesting you learned from this book.]
I'll add more information about this tool and how you can use if you like it:
here is a short video that explains how it works:
Here is a link to a course on Text Analysis (, which has a section about N-gram viewer. You can look through it when you have time and share with us in the thread smth interesting you learned from this book.
Tuesday, December 3, 2019
Post-9: Semester Assignment
To complete the first semester you should prepare 2 essays devoted to the discussion of the issue(s) raised in the article you should choose them from the Guardian. The articles you will choose should be devoted to the discussion of some problem or issue that is important from a social point of view. For example, they could be about one of the problems that worry young people or about education, support from the government or something else along these lines.
You should explain why you have chosen the articles and why you are concerned about the topic/issue they are devoted to
The word limit for your essays is 350-400 words.
Make sure you write in your own words to avoid plagiarism. Please use the plagiarism checker at OR OR to make sure your work doesn’t contain plagiarized parts, In addition, you can use one of the tools listed in the blog post I’d like to share with you:
Google “free plagiarism checker” if you cannot use any of these plagiarism checkers they day you want to check your works, which might be because they have used all their free limit.
Please remember too to include a reference to the article(s) are going to refer to in your essays. To make sure you layout your references correctly you can use the Citation Machine (
Also, it’d be great if you used a URL shortener, a special tool which automatically shortens long web-addresses, so that your work did not look cluttered:
Your essays will be assessed using the following criteria:
- Content
- Organisation
- Mechanics
- Language use
- Reference layout
One more task you need to complete is a reflection note the purpose of which is to discuss what activities you found useful and why; also, reflect on anything you think was not that useful and explain why. Finally, suggest a couple of topics you think you'd be interested in discussing the next semester.
The submission deadline is December 22 (? NEED to discuss it). It would be great if you could publish your works a day or 2 earlier.
Monday, November 25, 2019
Post-8: Paraphrasing
Dear All,
We're practising paraphrasing with you and doing a set of exercises to help you master this skill. First, we're going to watch a video explaining what constitutes plagiarism and how you can paraphrase the other people's words not to plagiarise:
Stop Thief. Avoid Plagiarism by Paraphrasing:
Next we'll discuss the difference between quoting, paraphrasing and summarising:
After that we will discuss the steps to paraphrasing without plagiarising in more detail: (Douglas College exercise)
And then we'll do a number of exercises to practise paraphrasing and summarising:
b) Intermediate-level Paraphrase Exercises
c) More paraphrasing exercises (with answers): (added 25.11.2019)
Do Exercise D from the resource above under c) at home, we'll discuss it first and do Exercise E in which you are asked to summarise 3 passages. Please, read them at home, so that you'd be familiar with their content.
Do Exercise D from the resource above under c) at home, we'll discuss it first and do Exercise E in which you are asked to summarise 3 passages. Please, read them at home, so that you'd be familiar with their content.
Try to do the exercises yourselves first and then check yourselves against the KEY. Makes notes for us to be able to compare your answers with the key
Tuesday, November 12, 2019
Post-7: Dealing with plagiarism
Dear All,
I thought you had a good idea what constitutes plagiarism, and thus there is no need to discuss this question with you. However, when reading your works I discovered an example of blatant plagiarism in one of the works written earlier by one of your peers. Thus I think it is necessary to return to the discussion of this issue to make it clearer to you what it is and how to avoid it.
Below is a short test which I am asking you to complete on your own before we'll discuss the answers together. Read the descriptions of the situations that refer to how smth was written and decide which of the situations presents a case of plagiarism. Also, explain why if you can.
When you finish, we'll discuss your answers and will do a number of exercises to help you have practise in writing without plagiarising.
Here is a presentation we're going to watch to learn more about what to do and how to avoid plagiarising:
Next, let's do the exercise the link to which is provided below:
Write your version of paraphrased sentence 1 in the thread
I'll also add another exercise to help you practise paraphrasing later today (13.11.2019)
You should practise paraphrasing the other excerpts from the exercise from the Purdue University (the link is above)
More materials (added 25.11.2019)
We're practising paraphrasing with you and doing a set of exercises to help you master this skill. First, we're going to watch a video explaining what constitutes plagiarism and how you can paraphrase the other people's words not to plagiarise:
Stop Thief. Avoid Plagiarism by Paraphrasing:
Next we'll discuss the difference between quoting, paraphrasing and summarising:
After that we will discuss the steps to paraphrasing without plagiarising in more detail: (Douglas College exercise)
And then we'll do a number of exercises to practise paraphrasing and summarising:
Try to do the exercises yourselves first and then check yourselves against the KEY. Makes notes for us to be able to compare your answers with the key
I thought you had a good idea what constitutes plagiarism, and thus there is no need to discuss this question with you. However, when reading your works I discovered an example of blatant plagiarism in one of the works written earlier by one of your peers. Thus I think it is necessary to return to the discussion of this issue to make it clearer to you what it is and how to avoid it.
Below is a short test which I am asking you to complete on your own before we'll discuss the answers together. Read the descriptions of the situations that refer to how smth was written and decide which of the situations presents a case of plagiarism. Also, explain why if you can.
1. An article is copied from some source (e.g. Wikipedia) and is submitted as the student's piece of writing.
2. Some portions of the student's writing are copied from some source (e.g. Wikipedia).
3. A sentence or a phrase in the student's piece of writing is copied from some source (e.g. Wikipedia).
4. Some information from Wikipedia is quoted in the student's essay and the article reference information is given.
5. Some information from Wikipedia is summarised by the student and a reference is provided.
6. Some information from Wikipedia is summarised by the student in his own words but no reference is provided.
7. Some information from Wikipedia is paraphrased in the student's work but no reference is provided.
8. The information from Wikipedia is quoted and properly attributed.
9. The information from Wikipedia is summarised and properly attributed.
10. The information from Wikipedia is paraphrased and properly attributed.When you finish, we'll discuss your answers and will do a number of exercises to help you have practise in writing without plagiarising.
Here is a presentation we're going to watch to learn more about what to do and how to avoid plagiarising:
Next, let's do the exercise the link to which is provided below:
Write your version of paraphrased sentence 1 in the thread
I'll also add another exercise to help you practise paraphrasing later today (13.11.2019)
You should practise paraphrasing the other excerpts from the exercise from the Purdue University (the link is above)
More materials (added 25.11.2019)
Dear All,
We're practising paraphrasing with you and doing a set of exercises to help you master this skill. First, we're going to watch a video explaining what constitutes plagiarism and how you can paraphrase the other people's words not to plagiarise:
Stop Thief. Avoid Plagiarism by Paraphrasing:
Next we'll discuss the difference between quoting, paraphrasing and summarising:
After that we will discuss the steps to paraphrasing without plagiarising in more detail: (Douglas College exercise)
And then we'll do a number of exercises to practise paraphrasing and summarising:
b) Intermediate-level Paraphrase Exercises
c) More paraphrasing exercises (with answers): (added 25.11.2019)
Do Exercise D from the resource above under c) at home, we'll discuss it first and do Exercise E in which you are asked to summarise 3 passages. Please, read them at home, so that you'd be familiar with their content.
Do Exercise D from the resource above under c) at home, we'll discuss it first and do Exercise E in which you are asked to summarise 3 passages. Please, read them at home, so that you'd be familiar with their content.
Try to do the exercises yourselves first and then check yourselves against the KEY. Makes notes for us to be able to compare your answers with the key
Wednesday, October 23, 2019
Post 5: Assessment Criteria
Dear All,
I'd like to share with you the criteria I'm going to use to assess your works. They are as follows:
Next time we'll read sample essays that received one of these grades so that you would have a better idea of what to pay more attention to when writing your works.
Here is a link to sample candidate responses with examiner comments: Could you read them at home, so that we could discuss them in class the next time?
I'd like to share with you the criteria I'm going to use to assess your works. They are as follows:
Next time we'll read sample essays that received one of these grades so that you would have a better idea of what to pay more attention to when writing your works.
Here is a link to sample candidate responses with examiner comments: Could you read them at home, so that we could discuss them in class the next time?
To make a link active, you need to highlight it and click on the button Link and Blogger makes the link active
It is more convenient when the links open in a new window, to do it go to the Link, and click on the option "Open in a new window"
2. (smth wrong)
9. elizakamenshchikova.blogspot. com
11. Nikita Zommer
12. Sergey Silkov
It is more convenient when the links open in a new window, to do it go to the Link, and click on the option "Open in a new window"
2. (smth wrong)
9. elizakamenshchikova.blogspot.
11. Nikita Zommer
12. Sergey Silkov
13. Yulia Klimanova
14. Anastasia Pershikova 15. Tkachenko Mikhail 16. Lavrik Ekaterina
17. Anna Avdeeva
Wednesday, October 16, 2019
Post-4_Interesting-topics for discussion
Dear All,
what makes writing particularly enjoyable is discussing the topics that are interesting for you, that provoke thought and enable you to consider them from different perspectives. So, what I am inviting you to do is to think about 3 or 4 topics that you personally would be interested in writing about, and sharing them with your peers and me in the thread. Add a 2-3 sentence explanation of what makes these topics interesting for you to discuss.
Also, read what 2 or 3 of your peers have suggested and comment on it by letting us know in what ways some of these suggestions can be interesting for you to discuss.
what makes writing particularly enjoyable is discussing the topics that are interesting for you, that provoke thought and enable you to consider them from different perspectives. So, what I am inviting you to do is to think about 3 or 4 topics that you personally would be interested in writing about, and sharing them with your peers and me in the thread. Add a 2-3 sentence explanation of what makes these topics interesting for you to discuss.
Also, read what 2 or 3 of your peers have suggested and comment on it by letting us know in what ways some of these suggestions can be interesting for you to discuss.
Post-3: Room 101
Have you read George Orwell's novel "1984"? Do you remember what Room 101 in it was for?
What I am inviting you to do today is to discuss what you would put into this room and explain why.
You can work on your own or together with one of your peers. After you have come up with the explanation of your choice, write a post explaining it and don't forget to add some supporting evidence to substantiate your answer.
If you use some internet resources to support your opinion, do not forget to provide the necessary reference information.
Looking forward to reading your explanations.
What I am inviting you to do today is to discuss what you would put into this room and explain why.
You can work on your own or together with one of your peers. After you have come up with the explanation of your choice, write a post explaining it and don't forget to add some supporting evidence to substantiate your answer.
If you use some internet resources to support your opinion, do not forget to provide the necessary reference information.
Looking forward to reading your explanations.
Tuesday, October 8, 2019
Post-2: Blog use training
Dear All,
I am sorry that we have had just a couple of writing lessons due to circumstances. I am not at all happy with it and hope we'll be able to catch up.
Today we'll do several activities to help you learn how this space works and what you should do to benefit from this course the most.
What I'm inviting you to do today is learn to do or practise doing the following things:
a) publish a picture of you or a picture that is associated with you and tells a small story; explain it
b) publish your favourite YouTube clip
it can be a clip of your favourite singer/with your favourite actress or actor/smth or smb else you consider your favourite such as one of the following:
c) a cartoon
d) an animal
e) a book
A note on the technical side:
You'll have some practice today in publishing your posts and learn how to add images to them
Also, I'll explain a number of rules and the conventions you should use when writing your works, including the following:
b) providing reference details: the author's name, the title of the article, the link to the resource, the date of publication, access date, the page numbers
c) adding them to your document in-text and in the end of it
Hope you will find this useful and will learn to do it in no time.
Good luck!
See you in class shortly:)
Wednesday, September 18, 2019
Post-1: Welcome to the course of Academic Writing and good luck!
Dear All,
Welcome to the course of Academic Writing which you are going to take this academic year. This blog together with yours will be our learning space where we'll discuss a variety of topics you are interested in and concerned about, we'll share some things that you find exciting/interesting/useful or all of these at the same time. I am hoping that with the help of this course you will be able to improve the skills you already have and master new ones that will help you to become a better writer in English.
Thanks for sharing your first pieces of writing with me, which I'm planning to read and comment on during this week.
Next week in class I'll explain to you how to edit and publish your works in the blog and what you need to remember when drafting, revising and editing them. Do you know the difference b/w them by the way?
I'll also give you some tips that can help you write your works easier and enjoy it more.
Overall, I hope you will find this course both interesting and useful and will enjoy taking it.
Welcome to the course of Academic Writing which you are going to take this academic year. This blog together with yours will be our learning space where we'll discuss a variety of topics you are interested in and concerned about, we'll share some things that you find exciting/interesting/useful or all of these at the same time. I am hoping that with the help of this course you will be able to improve the skills you already have and master new ones that will help you to become a better writer in English.
Thanks for sharing your first pieces of writing with me, which I'm planning to read and comment on during this week.
Next week in class I'll explain to you how to edit and publish your works in the blog and what you need to remember when drafting, revising and editing them. Do you know the difference b/w them by the way?
I'll also give you some tips that can help you write your works easier and enjoy it more.
Overall, I hope you will find this course both interesting and useful and will enjoy taking it.
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